Who We Are

“Premyogi Society, a trust for UNDERPRIVILEGED people welfare”

Who We Are

“A senior citizen and a young individual joined hands to create Prem Yogi Society, aiming to address the grievances of underprivileged people and improve their quality of life in society. Together, they work towards fostering inclusivity and empowerment for a brighter future for all community members.”

Few likeminded people later associated the Prem yogi and started work for this sector of people.


Our Vision

To make the country most sustainable country in the world by addressing the under-privileged sector in the society.

Our Aim

To extend the helping hand to the people in need of any help.

What for we are? 

Prem Yogi is born to execute:

  • To get the education to the last child in the society to make India with 100% literacy & Schooling is the right of a child.
  • To aware the children regarding the health under your health is your wealth program and similar program for people in need of help.
  • Taking care of the needy Old people under “Aging is not a Curse”
  • Addressing the Atrocities victimized women and also needy single women through “ Respect women and bringing empowerment” programs.
  • For bringing the peace in the society under “ A medicine for health & wealth”

Please Note: Apart from the above more & more programs whenever needed depends on regular survey in the society by Prem Yogi Survey team.

We are presently conducting:

  1. Education to the poor children.

Under Schooling is the right of a child, PremYogi is gathering the poor children in the Juggi / Jopidi aeas, giving them study material and also giving them education through lady teachers. 

  1. Extending the helping hand to the needy people

India is a Tropical country, the seasons are very severe depends on the location in this vast country.  The people need to take all care to protect themselves as per the seasons.  Clothing is one of the important aspect in this regard and needy people could not afford for this and Prem Yogi distribute the clothing as per the season, Blankets, warm cloths, Shoes / afford to poor people.

  1. Women Empowerment

Prem Yogi is carrying the survey to identify the women who are in need of helping hand to find a source of income to take care of their family.

The initial survey reveals that the Women faced atrocities are not in a position to come into society and move freely. Some women of this sector been left by their families and are leading their life lonely and finding difficulty even to get one meal a day.

Same case is found with old ladies who lost her partner.  The families have migrated to urban areas to find some job to take are of themselves and left the old ladies back in the village.

Prem Yogi survey team observed different scenarios and herd stories which have pained their heart.

Prem Yogi decided to extend the helping hand to these women by creating an income source to make them to stand on their own legs.